We have tested for you: Box Cutter for Blender
I would like to highlight a Blender add-on a fellow graphic designer told me about: Box Cutter. I do not work under Blender but, for sure, I keep posted about the news and professional use of this software. The community of users is partilarly active and rich. Blender is defenitely not a follower and provides features you can’t find in other software. Real time in the viewport (eevee) is part of them and makes some others jealous.
Box Cutter is an add-on which withdraws material in models. It is a Boolean operator boosted by vitamins. Indeed, in most modelling software, boolen operations are often surprising and disappointing. I have to say that, with Box Cutter, results often match expectations, even if a little mesh cleaning can be necessary at times but nothing really unusual with that type of modelling. Box Cutter is a modelling booster for all, espacially for hard surfaces. A takes a little time to manage keyboard shortcuts. Box Cutter enables to: remove geometry and split geometry in two. Two fastening tools make it possible to control efficiently the position of the forms to remove material. You can create default rectangles, circles or n-gones. You can then edit the apex to place them where you want or add chamfrens for instance. A mode enables to see in real time what the material removal will look like. It reminds me of what you can find in CAO software. It is a different approach of modelling which allows to create detailed models in short time. The Custom Cutter allows to withdraw a more complex modelling than the simple shapes. It is very smart and you can fastly place repeating objects with a greater flexibility than with scattering tools.
I also advise you to have a look at “Hard Ops” created by the same developer.