
External Files

For the moment, Blender RANCHecker does not automatically add all external files inside the .vub archive.
Hereunder the automatically packed external files:

  • Images sequences
  • VDB
  • ABC
  • MDD
  • IES

Add Others caches format:

For the other external files, some manual steps are required to properly render your caches::

  1. Put your caches in the same location than your scene (you can add a subfolder if you want, ex: cache/
  2. Set relative path for your caches in your Blender scene.(ex: //…\cache\

If you have multiple caches you can use the function: File > External Data > Make Paths Relative

  1. Create the .vub with RANCHecker.

The VUB archive created by RANCHecker, is actually a ZIP file renamed into “.vub”.
So you can insert manually your caches inside it, by following those quick steps :

  1. Open the VUB archive with 7zip (right-click > open with: 7zip manager)
  2. Drag & drop your “cache” directory inside the VUB
  3. Drag & drop your .blend scene inside the VUB